Earth's Ecocide Novel Series: A Tale of Climate Change

Earth's Ecocide: Hope 2147 – 5 Star Readers Favorite

Earth's Ecocide: Hope 2147 – 5 Star Readers Favorite

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Author David A. Collier is clearly extremely passionate about his subject matter and has taken great pains to ensure that this series-opening novel presents the issues of climate change in an exciting and engaging fashion that will entertain readers but also set them on a path to better eco-education. As such, the conceptual issues in the plot are well-researched and well-handled, and the science fiction elements laid over the top become more believable because of this grounding in realism. I also really enjoyed the use of dialogue, both in the way that it characterized some very typically human attitudes that are echoed in the here and now and how it was an effective means of moving the plot forward and breaking up larger blocks of prose. Overall, Earth's Ecocide: Hope 2147 is a fascinating work that fans of climate fiction will undoubtedly enjoy.

Earth's Ecocide: Desperation 2647 – 5 Star Readers Favorite

Reviewed by Tammy Ruggles for Readers’ Favorite

Earth's Ecocide: Desperation 2647 by David A. Collier is an insightful, haunting work of science fiction for our times. Set in the year 2647, a mysterious entity comes to Earth to try to save the planet from itself--with climate change being the focal point. But is it too late for the planet to be saved? Flood and heat are still destroying Earth, and human life hangs in the balance. Because of climate change, there is now war, hunger, and pestilence. Governments are disintegrating. This story unfolds through a Parisian family, and it is through them that we live this story and hope for their survival, and the survival of Earth's inhabitants. All of the familiar constructs have failed, and the future seems bleak, or non-existent.

Collier has created a compelling fictional look into Earth's future if climate change should continue on a course of destruction. The planet we live on may change so much that it can't sustain life as we know it. The author lays before his audience a scenario that is frightening, yet hopeful at the same time. This novel is full of intriguing characters, an irresistible plot, and rich detail. The dialogue is energetic, and the pacing is slow-burn at first, then builds toward suspense.

Some science fiction stories are hard to relate to, but this one hits close to home. The characters are likable (Kutter, Vela, Livia, Dr. Hamlet, etc.), and face so much responsibility. And The Blue Orb plays a big part as well. Even if it is a what-if scenario, it really does make you stop and think about the future of our planet and the fate of the human race. Sometimes it takes a work of fiction to understand the reality right in front of you. This novel should be a wake-up call to pay close attention to climate change, ecology, and the environment, and try to learn as much about it as we can. Earth's Ecocide: Desperation 2647 by David A. Collier is more than a novel. It can effect change and influence hearts and minds.

Earth's Ecocide: Desperation 2647 – Literary Titan Review Excerpts

In the dystopian landscape of 2647, David A. Collier’s vividly depicted novel, Earth’s Ecocide: Desperation 2647, immerses us in an Earth rendered nearly unrecognizable by a devastating climate crisis ... Despite its futuristic setting, this novel, a chilling environmental cautionary tale, resists being neatly tucked into the science fiction genre. Instead, it uses the Paris family’s trials and tribulations in a dystopian Florida as a mirror reflecting our potential future, amplifying the urgent message of climate change. The story’s trajectory takes a compelling turn with the introduction of a cryptic entity intent on saving humanity from its self destruction.

Collier, whose scientific background is evident in his adept handling of climate change issues, uses his narrative as a conduit for enlightening his readers. His portrayal of a dystopian future is intensely vivid, alarmingly plausible, and occasionally laced with heartbreaking poignancy. The death of a beloved character through a tragic miscommunication underscores the narrative’s emotional potency, even as it reveals the limitations of the culpable robot that can express “no grief, no sympathy, no anguish.”

The characters are deftly crafted—believable, relatable, and capable of eliciting readers’ investment in their fates. Moreover, the dialogue flows seamlessly, enhancing the narrative’s authenticity. Earth’s Ecocide: Desperation 2647 is a deeply engaging read that implores us to grapple with our impact on the environment.

Earth’s Ecocide: Desperation 2647 is a thought-provoking and engaging tale that intertwines environmental concerns with rich character development, making it a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the potential consequences of our current environmental trajectory.

Earth's Ecocide: Desperation 2647 – Midwest Book Review Excerpts

Earth's Ecocide: Desperation 2647 will appeal to climate change and apocalyptic sci-fi readers and libraries looking for broader subjects than climate change and social destruction alone. It opens a series replete with action as seventeen-year-old Livia navigates a world of global temperature increases and the rising threat and promise of AI. ...

Collier juxtaposes action with believable technological backdrops in this futuristic world. His attention to revealing this world through Livia's experiences, choices, and training creates a "you are here" feel to events that unfold to test her education and emotional responses. Twists and turns are introduced that many won't see coming, adding intrigue and surprise as Livia navigates not only the well-known aspects of her sheltered life, but the less familiar challenges that exist outside her perceptions.

Libraries and readers might initially deem Earth's Ecocide: Desperation 2647 a teen sci-fi read, or a work of ecological apocalypse alone. But there is so much more happening here that the story is highly recommended for sci-fi readers of any age who would contemplate and discuss a scenario in which reality itself is on the chopping block. Its tension, twists, and thought-provoking surprises makes for a thoroughly engrossing story.

Earth's Ecocide: Extinction 3147 – Reader's
Favorite 5-Star Review

Reviewed by Natalie Soine for Readers' Favorite

Earth's Ecocide: Extinction 3147 by David A. Collier begins on 3 June 3147 in Ridge City. Imperium is the robot society governing Earth. Intolerable temperatures, high sea levels, and violent weather forced humans into caves. Mayor Ula Torg and her husband Tal, Chief of Security, and their children Yot and Ato have to find a way to escape from their cave network, 220 meters above sea level, to Earth’s surface. They are forced to steal fuel from above ground but face Verking drones and Imperium NAIT8 warriors who want to terminate humans. Koa, Yot, Ula, Jax, STX, and Jort form the team assigned to obtaining the much-needed fuel. If unsuccessful, the people would have no electricity and have to fight the Imperium to defend humanity and planet Earth. Humans had long ago been told to construct 216 megamachines to take the heat, carbon dioxide, and methane out of the oceans and atmosphere but they instead continued to destroy the planet and now they must suffer the consequences.

Earth's Ecocide: Extinction 3147 is a suspenseful, imaginative story. Author David A. Collier gives us an indication of what life would be like if humans continue to ignore the signs of climate change and the ensuing devastation of our beautiful planet. The novel is well written with an interesting array of characters including humans and different types of robots. The story is smooth flowing and comfortable to read. I especially appreciate the effort that David has put into getting his important message across to the world - put an end to global warming or there will be nothing left for our future generations. All-round, a great novel highly recommended to young and old alike.

Quill says: Earth's Ecocide: Extinction 3147 will keep you up at night in suspense, while at the same time inspiring you to do your part in saving the world. – Carolyn Haley, Feathered Quill

Earth's Ecocide: Hope 2147 – CreateSpace Review Letter Excerpts

While generally we look for a main conflict in a novel, in this case we have a few, which is good for this genre. The story lines should be complex. First there are the believers in the entity versus the nonbelievers—those who think it’s been sent by God or by some alien life form, and those who think it’s a hoax. There is a sort of man against nature theme, visible in the story lines about the sea level rising and displacing people from their homes and in humanity’s fight against climate change, which they begin to wage thanks to the entity’s guidance. There’s a theme of personal autonomy versus doing good for others and, indeed, for all humankind, as shown in the Hickorys’ struggle between keeping their daughter safe and sharing with the world her gift of healing, received when she communed with the entity.

Throughout these stories, the themes of faith, scientific credulity, innocence, selflessness, and moral obligation resonate. Ultimately, the moral message we come away from this story with is that humanity, whether by itself or with a little help from an otherworldly source, needs to start saving itself and the planet it calls home. As a reader, I enjoyed this novel and found its subject matter thought provoking. I liked the open-ended debates it presents and the questions it raises about life on planet earth and at what point we will be willing to admit we need to make changes. I feel it’s a very timely topic and one that will appeal to a wide range of readers.